Tuesday, March 9, 2010


BONEZONE @ 4Seasons from Sam Erickson on Vimeo.

take away the fact that it's a 700c fixed gear and it would still be dope on a 20". gettin' silly.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

fire wood

so after our common cycle meeting last night i decided to use my trailer first thing. we have been discussing transforming the trailer into a mobile repair area. no doubt with nick and evan and their carpentry skills, it'll turn out awesome. the idea is to turn it into a stake truck of sorts. making it possible to haul a stand and all tools needed. covering it in reflectors was another idea thrown out there, but i think that'll just make me more of a target. more so then a guy pulling around a mobile repair bike shop already would be. i told these guys to build it, i'm not concerned with how heavy it is, i'll pull it. they started talking about retractable awnings, steel reinforced sub structure etc. shoulda' kept my mouth shut, but, i think it's gonna' be awesome.

in the meantime, i was using it to haul firewood back home. i was suprised that i didn't see more people in the woods collecting firewood by bicycle this morning. i think if it evoked the same feelings in them as it does in me, everyone would be out there doing it. oh well, more for me.

Monday, March 1, 2010

sunny mini ramp session

might just be another huge tease from our lovely state of michigan. but too hard to resist uncovering the ramp in this weather. skate or die! till it snows that is...