what a blast. dennis, carl, and erin came down from t.c. monday afternoon. i can't even begin to tell you how much these guys have put into making this happen. not only all the equipment. but, the van rental, gas, driving bak home the same night. shit! we didn't get done until close to two in the morning. just want to say thanks to them for everything they've done. while there is an entry fee ($5) donations are always accepted. these guys are losing money doing this. which just goes to show how much they love it. i'm sure every little bit they can scrape together would make a big difference. so, i got to the blind pig at the 8pm load in time. dennis and crew were already there and getting ready to set up. everything went pretty smooth with the exception of a couple small glitches. once the doors opened people started lining up to register. now, what was great was that pretty much everyone who showed up was there to race. but as people got eliminated out of their heats, the crowd started to thin out. the crowd was awesome! high energy till the end. i think a common misconception when i started promoting this was you had to race to be a part of this. anyone was who was there will tell you, being a spectator was just as fun. i think it would be great to have more people cheering everyone on next time. homeless dave was there reporting for the ann arbor chronicle and got some great pics. annarborchronicle.com so we'll be back at it on the 23rd. bring a friend, sister, brother, mother. the more the merrier. you do not have to race to have a good time at the hell yes sprints. dennis has the results posted on the hell yes blog. big matt 2nd place? hmmmmm... hellyessprints
youtube videos more pics thanks spencer olinek for the pics. so, i'll see everyone on the 23rd!
last night was awesome! still don't know what the count was, but a pretty good turnout. not bad for a monday night. dennis, carl, and erin drove home last night directly after the races. i know i wouldn't have been able to pull that off. pics coming soon. i'm going back to bed now. pace yourself kiddies.